06 January 2010

Geek Card REVOKED!

I am a geek... but not much of one. I am a role-player (not lately, but I still have a ton of rulebooks and still want to. So that counts.) I used to be a huge Star Wars fan. I love comic books. I enjoy the minutiae and trivia of movies, music, comics, and all sorts of geeky subjects. Joss Whedon is STILL my master, dammit. And I love sf and fantasy.

In fact, here's a list.
  • I still feel vaguely betrayed by George Lucas. You know why.
  • I have (nearly) every season of all of Joss Whedon's shows. Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse. Firefly I have in two formats (the blu-ray was a Christmas gift this year) and a copy of the Special Edition of Serenity to go with the regular edition. I went for the double dip, yes. For the record, the one piece missing is Angel Season Four. Next time I see it for sale, maybe.
  • Battlestar Galactica is my favorite show of the past few years. Even though I'm not completely sure how I felt about the last few. And yeah, I own nearly the entire series in standard DVD and the entire thing on blu-ray. I even bought The frakkin' Plan. On blu-ray. The day it came out. And I'm still pissed about it.
  • I own a copy of the current edition of GURPS. With quite a few sourcebooks in e-book format.
  • I have a preference involving versions of White Wolf's World of Darkness.
There's more, but those are some highlights.

And now, why my Geek Card has been REVOKED!
  • The Disney/Marvel deal could not be of less concern to me. I'm really actually looking forward to what Pixar might be able to do with some of the Marvel characters.
  • I'm constantly late to the party. Enough so that that will be its own tag on this site. I finally saw Iron Man, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and even Revenge of the Sith on DVD.
  • Speaking of The Dark Knight? Overrated. To an extreme.
  • I have a vague idea of what Blackest Night is about. Can't say I much care.
  • I don't have a strong opinion either way about Lord of the Rings. The movies, anyway. They look absolutely stunning, and some of the acting was off-the-charts good. And I guess I don't really have a strong opinion about the books. Glad I read them (better than a decade before the movies, thanks) but I don't see re-reading them anytime soon.
  • And, finally, not sure I'll be seeing Avatar in the theaters. Likely candidate for the Late to the Party feature.
I guess if there were a mission statement I could make about this blog, it would be: Talking Geek from just outside the Geek realm. Next up: A Late to the Party.

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